Thursday, September 24, 2009

A little change-up from posting my journal drawings ... here is my first scribble sheet from the scribble project.

I don't know if I am finished with it yet, but I have been randomly adding doodles since August & figured that I better post it before I lost it.   There are a few little things lying under the surface, but I'll leave them hidden for now ~ for those who choose to find them.

See what other folks have done with their scribble sheets in the scribble project club at Flickr.

Or jump in and pick up some scribble sheets for yourself here.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September has been cruel to me this year.   At the beginning of the month, I came down with the nasty H1N1 virus and have only recently gotten back into the swing of things.

Last week, some tree cutters knocked out power to my building and caused a huge power surge that fried most of my electronics.   Ouch!   I spent the weekend trying to replace items & have been getting whacked over the head with technology.

I have had no luck finding a low-tech VCR that will let me tape programs from my low-tech cable connection.   Everything is VCR/DVD and nothing has the old RF connectors.   Uugh!   I tried a new VCR and a variety of connection options with no luck.   Anyhow ... this week I'm going shopping at a pawn shop!

At least I am getting my strength back.   More art & doodles will be coming soon!